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Advance Your Career: Online Graduate Courses for Teachers


Connected Classroom Courses provide high-quality, teacher-focused, meaningful, manageable, and affordable continuing education and graduate credit for educational professionals.

Connected Classroom instructors are an amazing collection of veteran teachers who are currently in the classroom! The team was assembled and chosen for their passion, positive energy, and extensive experience with balancing students' academic, social, and emotional needs in the classroom. The team recognizes that teachers have a life outside of the classroom and Connected Classroom courses give teachers the freedom and confidence to pursue a higher education while continuing their passion in the classroom. Gone are the days of 8-16 week courses that don't give the flexibility professional educators deserve. In addition, as educators, we have all dealt with licensure, PD points, and increasing our pay - we have lived the reality that most teachers PAY FOR THEIR OWN EDUCATION/PD to increase compensation. Connected Classroom instructors are committed to AFFORDABLE, MEANINGFUL, and MANAGEABLE options for teachers.


We believe professional learning: 

  • is personalized.

  • recognizes teachers as learners.

  • allows flexibility to differentiate with district-wide, building, and teacher-driven initiatives.

  • is continuous, engaging, and relevant to application in the classroom.

  • empowers and encourages teachers to design their own learning and provide feedback and changes based on individual professional learning needs.

  • places the learning needs of the teachers we serve first.

  • models the integration of technology and instruction.

  • motivates learners toward practical application and classroom implementation.

  • recognizes learning as a continuous and ongoing process.

  • recognizes that learning should be fun and enjoyable!

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 What Teachers Have to Say

"The Connected Classroom provided me with real world strategies I could easily and immediately implement in my classroom. I felt the content was meaningful and the course work was easy to manage while teaching full time."

Amanda, H.S. Business 

I recently realized that for me to move ahead on the salary schedule I would most definitely need to take graduate hours. I am very happy that I chose these courses for ease and content.  The work load was manageable and content was appropriate and very helpful for professional growth.  I highly recommend these courses as I have been able to implement the ideas presented in my classroom with ease.

Jodie, Art teacher

Your classes are thoughtful, fun, and relevant--every teacher should know about them. They are also  designed to enhance classroom instruction but not be a stressful addition to your already packed calendar.  

Leah,  Elementary Education

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